About Us

As young engineers we fell in love with the world of 3D printing. Our experience in research and development for mining filtration meant we were often rapid prototyping injection moulded products or test tools. This experience quickly revealed to us the power of 3D printing, and we eagerly split the purchase of an Ender 3 V2 to kickstart our PLA based journey.

Eventually we moved to Bambulab P1 series printers and were blown away by the upgrade, but we also ran into a problem... Heat! Some of our projects required polycarbonate or nylon filament and time after time we'd watch them peel from the bed and get kicked into a wall of the printer. Glue, preheating and intensely watching every print didn't help, so we began scheming. A late night aliexpress order solidified our first plan; A 12V power supply, temperature controller, PTC heater and stick-on insulation would upgrade one of our printers to active heating. Holes were drilled and insulation was stuck to the inner walls, but the issue wasn't fixed, our 120W heater was maxed out maintaning 50 degrees and our power supply blew after a week... The issue, too much heat could still escape through the thin plastic walls of our P1s.

Getting more serious about our problem led to IGLU. We did away with the internal insulation, spending the better part of a day removing the glue residue and decided to improve the insulation issue. Upon doing so, we discovered that an active heater wasn't required. We could easily hit 60 degrees inside the chamber and were succeeding in our prints. We were chuffed, no printer modifications, no glue, no heater, reduced power consumption and much more.

Now we want to share our solution with you, welcome to IGLU.